HB 4149 Gun-free zone liability

Died in Committee
Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2022R1/Measures/Overview/HB4149

Provides the person or public body that establishes gun-free zone is liable for damages resulting from certain crimes committed in gun-free zone, if reasonable person would believe that possession of firearm could have helped individual defend against crime.

Personal Choice and Responsibility
SB 1544 passed in 2021 prohibited concealed carry, even by those with spotless records, thoroughly background checked and with concealed carry license, to carry on State Capitol grounds, the Portland Airport terminal and allows schools, colleges and universities to do the same if they decide to. These entities must understand that when you deprive law-abiding citizens the ability to defend their lives, it becomes your responsibility to provide that defense for them and if you fail to do so, you should be liable for their loss.

Fiscal Responsibility
This could lead to monetary loss for the state, but justifiably as it moved the monetary loss from the person who is being denied the ability to defend themselves, to the entity who infringed that right. The goal here is prompt the entity to ponder the monetary loss as part of the calculation on whether to infringe the right.


  1. Marlene Pickens says:

    Vote YES because defense of our persons is a basic right. When you take that away someone should be responsible if we are attacked and yet defenceless. VOTE YES.

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