Stops people in charge of companies that do not do medical work from running both the company and another entity that does medical work. Stops companies from telling their workers that they cannot work for someone else, say that the company is bad or speak out about bad acts. Stops companies from punishing those who speak out.
SB 951 does three main things:
- Bans non-compete clauses that prevent doctors from opening new clinics in the very communities that need them.
- Prohibits management service organizations (MSOs) from meddling in clinical decisions. (No more CFOs telling doctors what tests they can and can’t order.)
- Restores decision-making power to the actual physicians. You know, the folks who went to medical school.
It seems that this bill is another state overreach when the state interferes with the free market. It is difficult to see how this bill is not going to cost the state millions of dollars. This seems to be the same fiscal approach used four years ago during
passage of the “Mergers and Acquisitions” bill. That bill also had no “fiscal,” but it clearly has cost the state millions of dollars. It will require a whole new staff team at OHA for this complex process, huge amounts have been charged for the Assistant Attorney General Reviews, and numerous public meetings and mediation sessions have been held.
Amendments are riddled with enough errors that this bill needs a fiscal before any legislator can honestly vote on it.
Amendment -7 limits investors to everyone that would have an interest in investing, and limits investments to 10% for providers of medical services if not on the list of those prohibited – shareholder in or a director, member, manager, officer or employee of a management services organization. This bill will be the end of CCOs. Does the state want ownership?