I hear it everywhere I go. People approach me and express their frustration with Oregon’s political direction. Then they ask me, “What can I do?”

This year the Oregon Legislature passed SB 554 — yet another gun control bill. I could go into all the details of what this bill does, but to sum it up, SB 554 erodes your Second Amendment Rights.

What Can I Do?

In response to SB 554 passing the legislature, I along with two others filed Initiative Petition 301. IP 301 allows us to collect signatures for 90 days to get this question added to the ballot. If we are successful then YOU GET TO VOTE on whether SB 554 becomes the law of the land or not.

Go to this website: Responsible Response. There you can download a petition, sign it and send it in. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes, but that 5 minutes could mean the difference between protecting your Second Amendment Rights or watching them slowly be taken away.

Don’t put this off. Do it now.

Together we can turn our beloved Oregon around, but it will not be with one big political action, but with a thousand small ones. Thank you for doing the thing necessary today to protect our Second Amendment Rights.

Liberty requires eternal vigilance.

Posted at Oregon Catalyst on 7-6-21 by State Rep. E. Werner Reschke

Date: 2021-07-06 07:53


  1. It would have been nice if he just did his job and did not ask us to do it at our own expense.

    I wonder how much money is coming from his pac to help the effort.

    • Thanks for the heads up on the Petition to repeal SB554. I’m working hard to get as many as I can personally because I know what’s at stake.

      I wish to thank Kevin Starrett and OFF for their valent effort against the Tyrannical Left, thanks Kevin, your a real Patriot for freedom

  2. Thanks for the heads up on the Petition to repeal SB554. I’m working hard to get as many as I can personally because I know what’s at stake.

    I wish to thank Kevin Starrett and OFF for their valent effort against the Tyrannical Left, thanks Kevin, your a real Patriot for freedom

  3. I was hoping for a last-minute miracle, but our CHLs have now
    become neutered. It appears that there aren’t nearly enough
    signed petitions to require SB554 be put to a vote. I have a
    few thoughts as to why this is…

    1) Insufficient MSM coverage of the 301 option; that is, people
    are purposely being kept in the dark.
    2) Signed, returned 301 forms are being intercepted in transit
    and either delayed, hidden, or trashed.
    3) Some people are simply too scared, believing if they submit a
    301 form their name will be added to a sh**list.
    4) I’m starting to suspect there’s some sort of psychological
    thing going on similar to the ‘Stockholm Syndrome’. A bizarre
    relationship with the government where the subject surrenders
    their free will to an all-knowing entity that rules over them.
    If there is a medical term for this behavior I’d like to know.
    5) People have come to accept that their vote is now meaningless.
    6) More people than first thought are in agreement with SB554.
    7) I hate to even suggest this but these days anything is possible:
    301 was actually controlled opposition (hi-jacked by opposition),
    providing feedback as to public acceptance of SB554, and maybe
    validating item (3) above.

    Time to coin a new word: aparance (APAthy + toleRANCE). This is our
    worst enemy from within.

    PS: we lost our second amendment in 1934 (NFA); we’re now fighting
    over the remains of it’s faint shadow.

    Signed, Poached Goyim

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