Pandemic restrictions will be lifted statewide by Wednesday, 6-30-21

Oregon will lift pandemic limits in place for over a year no later than next week, Gov. Kate Brown said Friday. Gov. Kate Brown has made Oregon one of only two states in the nation to give the green light for school employees to receive COVID-19 vaccinations but not seniors. The other state is Idaho. (copy)

“When Oregon reaches 70% or by Wednesday, June 30, we will lift the safety programs we have relied on and open our economy,” Brown said .

When the deadline passes or the goal is met, the county-by-county risk level system will be dissolved.

“Effectively, Oregon is 100% open for business,” she said.


Brown had announced last month that mandates on masks, social distancing and capacity limits of restaurants and venues would be lifted as soon as 70% of all eligible adult Oregonians had received at least one shot of COVID-19 vaccine.

Date: 2021-06-26 10:00

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