HB 2640 Reduces some crimes to violations

Repeals a manner of committing the crime of harassment. Requires that for a manner of committing the crime of aggravated harassment, the person must create a risk of spreading communicable disease to the victim. Change “crime” to “offense” and reduces them to Class A violation offenses for crimes of failure to appear in a violation proceeding, failure to appear in…

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SB 1555 Creates crimes related to controlled substance

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee (2024)

SB 1553 Crime to consume illegal drugs on public transportation

 VOTE:YES – Passed

HB 2772 Crime of domestic terrorism

Signed into law by Gov.Kotek

HB 2572 Paramilitary civil disorder

Signed into law by Gov.Kotek

SB 618 Increases sentence for wearing body armor

Signed into law by Gov. Kotek

SB 320 Reduces prison time

Died In Committee

SB 517 Prohibits denying license based on criminal record

Died In Committee

SB 1511 Right to retrial for non-unanimous verdict

Died in Committee

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2172 Lowers minimum sentencing

VOTE:NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07-14-21 Status (overview) of bill:https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2172 This bill changes mandatory minimum sentences for specified felonies other than murder to presumptive sentences. This is an attempt to allow a lesser sentence and overturn the twice voter approved Measure 11. Personal Choice and Responsibility For victims trying to move on and heal from abuse, letting…

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Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 401 Redefines minimum sentencing

Died In Committee

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3088 Repeals crime of prostitution

Died In Committee