HB 3103 State timber harvesting at sustainable levels

Directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels to prevent wildfires. Directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels. Directs the State Forester to…

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SB 78 Restrictions on rebuilding after disaster

This Act limits the size of replacement homes on forest or farm land and establishes  the maximum size of replacement dwellings. This Act restricts what kind of, how big of, a replacement dwelling may be built on the land as a result of destruction or demolition of the dwelling. The law has already caused problems limiting the timeline of when…

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SB 678 Undoes wildfire mapping

Undoes wildfire protection provisions adopted in Senate Bill 762 (2021). Declares an emergency, effective July 1, 2025. Provides that the State Board of Forestry establish criteria by which the forestland-urban interface must be identified and classified. The criteria must recognize differences across the state in fire hazard, fire risk and structural characteristics within the forestland-urban interface. The criteria must include…

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SJM 3 Federal reimbursement for wildfire costs

Urges the establishment and funding of a federal system to reimburse state and local government property owners and private property owners for damage to real property that results from the spreading of wildfires originating on federal lands Since private property owners are having all the responsibility of potential fires occurring on their property, when most of the time the fires…

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SB 1573 Forest thinning operations

Died in Committee

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 590 Organizes a Rangeland Protection Association & provided Fire Protection for Croplands

VOTE: YES – Signed into Law by Gov Brown

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 762 Reducing Risk of Wildfires via Mandates

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

SB 590 Organizes a Rangeland Protection Association & provided Fire Protection for Croplands

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

HB 2379, 5% Timber Tax

HB 2379 VOTE: NO Died In Committee on 06/26/2021 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2379 Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2021R1/Committees/HREV/Overview This bill imposes tax on owner of timber at time of harvest at five percent of value of timber to be transferred to Emergency Wildfire Fund. Fiscal Responsibility Severance taxes are taxes imposed on the removal of natural resources within a…

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Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2341 Prorates property taxes due to fire damage

Signed into Law by Gov Brown

SJM 3 Property owner’s redress from federal forest fires

SJM 3 VOTE: YES Filed with Secretary of State on 05/26/2021 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/SJM3 This bill urges Congress to establish a program to give property owners redress having the federal government reimburse property owners for property damage that resulted from a fire that started on mismanaged federal forest-lands. Fiscal Responsibility In 2020, wildfires in Oregon burned more than…

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