Directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels to prevent wildfires.
Directs the State Forester to establish sustainable harvest levels for harvesting timber on state forestland and develop a timber inventory model to inform sustainable harvest levels. Directs the State Forester to offer timber for sale at the sustainable harvest level, annually report on sales of timber relative to the sustainable harvest level and address any deficit in timber sales. Confers standing on certain persons to challenge a failure to address a deficit. Directs the State Forester to adopt sustainable harvest levels, forest management plans and related significant policy documents by rule. Establishes certain requirements for judicial review of the rules. Makes certain changes concerning forest management reports by the State Forester. Appropriates moneys to the State Forester out of the General Fund for developing a timber inventory model and a sustainable harvest level. Takes effect on the 91st day following adjournment sine die.
Since the feds are intending to kill Spotted Owl to reduce its population, there is no reason to cut harvesting by over 50% creating economic disaster for rural counties.
Email House Committee On Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources, and Water
YES we need to establish sustainable harvest levels, as well as maintaining the forest.
Having lived in Oregon for 68 years, I’ve seen the impact of well managed and mismanaged forests. As a child I lived ‘deep in the woods’ and marveled at its beauty. My father and grandfather carefully managed 30 acres. Logging in Oregon was done, sometimes not so wisely, but people learn and discard those practices that don’t sustain the forests. What we have today is a senseless management of our forests that increases fire danger, while eliminating jobs and money flowing into communities. Question regarding carbon credits: where is the money coming from and where is it going? As often is the case, greed will be found.