HB 3383 Marriage fee hike to pay for Ranked Choice Voting

Increase the marriage license fee from $25 to $35 — a 40% increase! Increases a records search fee or an official certificate request fee from $3.75 to $5 — a 33% increase. Supporters are requesting the fee hikes to pay for County expenses, with election related expenses being among the top rising costs.   This is especially true for Multnomah County…

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SB 210 In-person voting, day of election

Makes voting in person the normal method for voting. Requires voters to show picture ID when voting or requesting a ballot. Refers the Act to the people at the next general election. Makes in-person voting on the date of an election the standard method for conducting an election. Allows an elector to request a ballot that may be voted by…

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SB 166 Guarantees right to vote

VOTE:NO – Signed into law by Gov.Kotek

HB2004 Ranked-choice voting

VOTE:NO – PASSED, Filed with Secretary of State, effective 12-5-2024

HB 3206 Permits 16-year-olds to vote in school district elections

Died In Committee

HB 2694 Permits 17-year-old to vote in primary

Died In Committee

HJR 20 Lowers voting age to 16

Died In Committee

HB 3593 Print candidate names multiple times for each party on ballot

Died In Committee

SB 579A Gives felons voting privileges

Died in Committee

Clipart: of an election building

HB 4133 Allows social security for voter registration

Signed into law by Gov Brown

Clipart: of an election building

HB 3291 Allows late ballots to be counted

Signed into Law by Gov Brown