VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Provides for increase in personal income and corporate excise tax rates to fund the School Improvement Fund based on high school graduation rate.
Removes the current law that excess personal income tax revenues should be returned to personal income taxpayers. Refers proposed amendment to voters in next regular general election.
Vote NO – Died in Committee
Would enact Oregon as a member of the Interstate Compact for agreement among the states to elect the President by National Popular Vote.
HB 2662 establishes a “Pay it Forward” program which would provide approved applicants funding to cover tuition and other costs relating to their education.
Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Establishes standards for school districts to hire non-licensed persons with appropriate skills to teach non-core working skills classes.
Directs school districts to forward documentation relating to charges of teacher’s termination to independent entity for disclosure to potential educational employers.
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