Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2061A Confined animal feeding operation fees

VOTE: NO – Gov Brown Signed into Law
Increases application and permit fees for confined animal feeding operations

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2059 Increases fees on food production

VOTE: NO – Gov Brown Signed into Law
Fee increases on certain licenses concerning food production

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 627 Transfers watershed area from local control

SB 627 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
This transfer is a move to withdraw access to lands for recreational use.

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2493 Prohibits aerial spraying

HB 2493 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds.

Clipart: of an election building

HJR 14 Relating to bills with “emergency clauses” in them

HJR 14 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Amends the Oregon Constitution to replace term “declaration of emergency” with term “early implementation date”

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2250A Sets minimum on environmental laws

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Allows environmental agencies law making authority if federal environment laws reduce their impact

Original Salem State Capital

SB 531 Requires employees to pay certain costs of their PERS

SB 531 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Seeks to limit increases in public employer costs in PERS by requiring employees to pay administrative costs of their pension/benefits, and more.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 306 Allows counties to use dogs to hunt cougars if approved by county voters.

SB 306 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Makes counties exempt from the state statute banning the use of dogs to hunt cougars. Voters in a county must approve the measure by initiative petition or referral by governing body of a county.

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2656 control of watershed areas

HB 2656 VOTE: NO – Died n Committee
Allows total government control over watershed areas

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 87 Raises age to buy any firearm to 21

SB 87 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates an exemption from anti-discrimination statute. Allows gun dealer to establish a minimum age for purchase of firearms, ammunition or firearms components, provided that minimum age is 21 years.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2262A expands Early Learning Council

VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov. Brown
Extends duties of the Early Learning Council to ensure “Families are healthy, stable and attached” and modifies duties and membership.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2192 Requires students get mental health exams

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires student’s grades 6 to 12 to undergo an annual mental health exam with right to opt-out.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 275 Requires locked container or trigger locks for firearms

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Implements trigger lock and other storage requirements for privately owned firearms.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 323 Reciprocity for States recognizing OR CHLs

SB 323 VOTE:Yes – Died In Committee – Relating to concealed handgun licenses from states that recognize Oregon concealed handgun licenses.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HJR 10 Requires unanimous verdict to convict in criminal matters

HJR 10 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee – Amends Oregon Constitution to require juries to issue a unanimous verdict in criminal cases. Refers to voters.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 501 Permit to purchase firearms, background checks for ammo, more

SB 501 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Requires a permit in order to purchase any firearm, and more. Requires background check to purchase ammunition and limits ammunition purchase to 20 rounds per month, and more…

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 5 Regulation of shooting ranges, ‘dangerous conditions’

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range, and more…

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2298 Reciprocity for states who require safety education as OR does

VOTE:YES – Died in Committee
Recognizes the concealed carry licenses of all states which recognize Oregon concealed licenses, as long as that state has similar requirement on firearm safety education.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 5 Regulation of shooting ranges

SB 5 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2643 assesses taxpayers for union fees

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Transfers responsibility to pay basic union fees for government workers to the government (taxpayers) for all public employees for collective bargaining and protecting rights of employees.

Original Salem State Capital

SJR 5 Two Thirds Majority Vote Needed for Emergency Clause

SJR 5 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Rrequires a 2/3 majority to pass bills that declare an emergency.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2251 raises age to purchase ‘assault weapons,’ and more…

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Defines ‘assault rifle,’ prohibits persons under 21 from purchasing ‘assault rifles,’ increases time a purchaser must wait in case of ‘delayed’ (inconclusive) background check to 30 days, and more…