SB 531 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Seeks to limit increases in public employer costs in PERS by requiring employees to pay administrative costs of their pension/benefits, and more.
SB 306 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Makes counties exempt from the state statute banning the use of dogs to hunt cougars. Voters in a county must approve the measure by initiative petition or referral by governing body of a county.
SB 87 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates an exemption from anti-discrimination statute. Allows gun dealer to establish a minimum age for purchase of firearms, ammunition or firearms components, provided that minimum age is 21 years.
VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov. Brown
Extends duties of the Early Learning Council to ensure “Families are healthy, stable and attached” and modifies duties and membership.
SB 501 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Requires a permit in order to purchase any firearm, and more. Requires background check to purchase ammunition and limits ammunition purchase to 20 rounds per month, and more…
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range, and more…
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee
Recognizes the concealed carry licenses of all states which recognize Oregon concealed licenses, as long as that state has similar requirement on firearm safety education.
SB 5 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Transfers responsibility to pay basic union fees for government workers to the government (taxpayers) for all public employees for collective bargaining and protecting rights of employees.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Defines ‘assault rifle,’ prohibits persons under 21 from purchasing ‘assault rifles,’ increases time a purchaser must wait in case of ‘delayed’ (inconclusive) background check to 30 days, and more…
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