Original Salem State Capital

HB 2704A Funds Marketing of Electric Vehicles

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Provides rebates for purchase of low emission vehicles and zero-emission transit buses, etc.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 4073A adds secular organizations to solemnize marriages

VOTE:NO Died In Committee Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/HB4073   This bill adds secular organizations to list of persons and entities authorized to solemnize marriages. Personal Choice In 2012 the U.K. Forced Marriage Unit reported 1,485 cases of forced marriage. The AHA Foundation, an advocacy organization founded by vocal women’s rights defenders, helped 54 victims in 2013 out of forced marriages….

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Original Salem State Capital

HB 4127 Redefines marriage

VOTE:NO Passed Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/HB4073 This bill makes changes to statutes adding gender neutral language regarding marriage. Redefines "marriage" as between two individuals legally recognized under the laws of this state. Personal Choice The State Constitution is "The People's" voice. This bill bends the voice of the people until it is in direct opposition to the constitution.   Limited…

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Original Salem State Capital

HB 4011A Reclassifies OR State Hospital employees as police

VOTE:NO Died In committee Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/HB4011   This bill as amended provides that employees of Oregon State Hospital qualify as police officers under Public Employees Retirement System. Declares emergency Personal Choice Increases taxpayer's burden by 20% for Oregon State Hospital employees to support PERS and give added benefits. Periodically, the number add to the police classification grows and is…

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Original Salem State Capital

SB 1510B TriMet Taxes

Vote NO – Died in Committee – Allows TriMet to tax citizens in its transit district.

Original Salem State Capital

SJR 201 repeals limits on property taxes

VOTE:NO Died In Committee Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/SJR201   Summary: Amends the Oregon constitution by repealing the constitutional limits on property taxes, creating convoluted government mechanisms for adjusting real property valuation.  Will significantly allow unrestricted increases for all property taxes, including local taxing districts, counties and cities. Fiscal Responsibility:  Funds government at undetermined rates at the expense of public. Free…

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Original Salem State Capital

SB 1532A Minimum wage increase

VOTE:NO Passed   Minimum wage bill passes Senate floor. Click to see who voted! Status (cverview) of bill:https://olis.leg.state.or.us/liz/2016R1/Measures/Overview/SB1532   SUMMARY FOR SB 1532A: Establishes tiered system base on geographical location of employer. Establishes annual increase to base minimum wage rate until July 1, 2023 when inflation based rates resume. Employers within Portland's urban growth boundary will pay a higher rate. Allows employers…

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Original Salem State Capital

HJR 31 Legislative impeachment powers

SJR 31 is a bill establishing a means for the state to impeach an executive who has committed heinous crimes against the citizens of Oregon.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 3483 Adding secular organization to solemnize marriage

HB 3483A Secular organizations and legislators to list persons and entities authorized to solemnize marriages.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 2005A Mandatory paid sick leave

Amended to make changes to allow circumstances for paid sick time for employees. Requires all employers with six of more employees to implement paid sick time with consequences to the economy.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 454A Requires sick time for employees

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Requires employers with six or more full-time employees to implement sick time, but small employers can provide leave without pay.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 2478B HB 3231 Redefines laws for marriage and parents.

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Redefines laws for marriage and parents and makes statutory changes to achieve gender neutral language with respect to legally recognized marriages.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 27 Removes county clerk accountability

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Eliminates county fiscal accountability and increases fee for performing marriage by a county official by over 300%.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 2476 Gives Governor authority over agency rulemaking

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Authorizes Oregon Department of Administrative Services to adopt by rule uniform policies or procedures.