Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2505 Requires locked container or trigger locks on firearms

HB 2505 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container except when carried or otherwise ‘under control of,’ and more.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

SB 801 Gun safety taught in schools

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Allows schools to teach first-graders about gun safety, parents may opt out.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

SB 283B Study of health risks from technology in classrooms

VOTE: YES – Died in Committee
Directs Oregon Health Authority to review scientific studies on the health effects of exposure to microwave radiation in schools or similar environments

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2014 Increases cap on noneconomic damages

VOTE:NO – Failed in the Senate
Removes $500,000 cap on noneconomic damages for actions arising out of bodily injury or death.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3338 Prohibits carrying firearms by university police

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Prohibits police officers commissioned by public university from carrying firearms

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2224 Grants for student to recognize feelings

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Establishes grant program to improve student outcomes by supporting social, emotional, mental and physical health needs of students.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

SB 543 Creates Children’s Service Districts, increases property taxes

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Allows communities to form children’s service districts and to levy property taxes to fund programs that offer these services.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2932 Prohibits asking defendant’s immigration status

VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Prohibits court from asking defendant’s immigration status

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2264 Gives tax exemption for farming equipment

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Adds farming tools and implements to tax-exempt personal property

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2156 Increases corporate excise tax rates

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Raises corporate excise tax rates

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 3349A Phases out mortgage interest deduction

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Phases out mortgage interest deductions on principal residence for many Oregonians

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2975A Reduces kicker by shifting funds

VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
Reduces kicker by shifting funds

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2917 Allows surface water collection

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Allows collection of rainwater, snowfall, etc without a permit.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 103/104 re-classifies farming activities

SB 103/104 VOTE: NO – Died in Committee
Both have to do with reclassifying rural dairies into industrial dairies, claiming pollution concerns.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 959 Flexible salary for legislators

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Establishes annual salary for Legislators based on average income of Oregonians determined by the Legislative Revenue Officer

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 886 Limits water used on animal feeding operations

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Limits the amount of water used at confined animal feeding operations and concentrated animal feeding operations.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2184A Tax on communication services

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Expands a 10-year universal service surcharges on mobile radio services and retail interconnected voice over internet protocol services to universal service surcharge.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 928 Establishes Oregon Climate Authority

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee Status (overview) of bill: This bill establishes Oregon Climate Authority and Board to take over the greenhouse gas reporting program. Abolishes State Department of Energy and transfers duties to Authority except for loans for small scale local energy projects. Limited Government The whole reason for this bill is stated in Section 2(4) “The…

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Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 925 Allows prohibiting possession even by CHL holders in public areas

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Allows local government organizations to ban carried firearms even by those with CHL permits.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3265 Bans magazines above 10 round capacity

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Rrohibits both fixed and detachable firearm magazines with more than ten round capacity.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3223 Requires registration of ‘assault weapons’

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires registration of ‘assault weapons’ with Oregon State Police or take other actions

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3054 Criminalizes unlawful discharge of firearm

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates crime of unlawful discharge of a firearm if person knowingly discharges a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or a building that is open to the public.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 311 Dispatching firefighting resources

VOTE: YES – DIED In Committee
Authorizes State Fire Marshal to dispatch firefighting resources in response to fire or wildfire burning on unprotected property.

Clipart: map of fictional city

HB 2001A Multi-family housing in lands zoned for single-family dwellings

VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
Allows multi-family housing in lands zoned for single-family dwellings within urban growth boundary.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2122 Defines “groceries” for future tax purposes

VOTE NO – Died In Committee
Defines “groceries” for future tax purposes.

Image of baskets of vegetables

HB 2493 Prohibits aerial application of pesticides

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 645 State Wildlife Fund expenditure restrictions

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Requires license fees and funds received by State Wildlife Fund be used only to directly support the programs for which money was received.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 292 Fire fighting equipment for unprotected lands

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Makes State Fire Marshal responsible for unprotected lands providing equipment and air resources to fight wildfires increasing firefighting flexibility.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 291 Request of fire-fighting forces

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Allows governing body of county, city or district the authority to request fire-fighting forces or equipment.

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 10 Increases urban density requirements

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Establishes permissible density requirements within urban growth boundaries of cities within metropolitan service district or with population more than 10,000.

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 914A Distributors to track beverage containers

SB 914A VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 451A Covanta Marion facility energy certificates

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Establishes eligibility for renewable energy certificates for Covanta Marion facility that generates electricity from the direct combustion of municipal solid waste

Image of baskets of vegetables

SB 884 Loans for qualified institutions for failing septic systems

VOTE: YES – Governor Signed into Law
Authorizes qualified institutions to receive loans from Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to repair or replace failing on-site septic systems

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

SB 767 Repeals “single sales factor” tax exemption

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Repeals the deal lawmakers agreed to for Nike in 2012 to pay taxes only on sales made in Oregon.

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 281 Labels digital products with warnings of health risks.

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee  
Requires manufactures to label digital products with warnings of any possible health risks.

Clipart: of an election building

SJR 22/SB 838 Lowers voting age to 16

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Amends Oregon Constitution lowering voting age from 18 to 16 years old. Referred to voters.