A new grant program aims to help members of the Oregon’s nine federally recognized Native American tribes with the cost of attending college next academic year. The Oregon Tribal Student Grant program will cover attendance costs, beyond what federal and state financial aid cover, at eligible colleges or universities in the state. Students can use the money for tuition, and…
New Speaker of the House For the first time in 9 years, Oregon’s House of Representatives has a new Speaker of the House: Representative Dan Rayfield of Corvallis. How Speaker Rayfield will differ from the previous Speaker is yet to be seen. Bills I introduced two bills on the opening day of session: • HJR 201 – Ending the Governor’s…
State Representative Reschke announced he will introduce two bills for the 2022 short legislative session, which begins in Salem on February 1st. End the State of Emergency HJR 201 is a resolution, that upon passage, would immediately terminate the Governor’s state of emergency declaration that first began March 2020. The resolution does not require the Governor’s signature to take effect,…
HB 2518 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07/27/2021 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2518 This bill establishes and allocates funding to the Oregon Brownfield Properties Revitalization Fund to support a forgivable loan program for owners or operators of brownfield properties that incur eligible costs in the recovery of the brownfield property. Requires Business Oregon to develop the…
SB 52 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07/27/21 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/SB52 This bill directs Department of Education to develop and implement statewide education plan for early childhood through post-secondary students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, two-spirit, intersex, asexual, nonbinary or another minority gender identity or gender orientation. Personal Choice and Responsibility…
HB 3354 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07/27/21 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB3354 This bill directs Teacher Standards and Practices Commission to adopt standards for educator preparation programs relating to evaluations of teacher candidates. Requires using multiple measures and at least one measure that is locally determined having the effect of manipulating scores towards more diverse…
HB 2007 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 07/19/2021 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB2007 This bill requires mortgage loan originators applying for or renewing a license to complete continuing education requirements including on topics of implicit bias and racial bias. Allows Dept. of Consumer & Business Services to establish educational requirements on implicit bias and racial bias….
HB 3112 VOTE: NO Died In Committee on 06/26/2021 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/HB3112 Committee assigned to bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Committees/HJUD/Overview This bill establishes Cannabis Equity Board within office of Governor to provide equity oversight of cannabis industry in this state. Personal Choice and Responsibility Removes 40% of the Oregon Marijuana Account from funding the State School Fund making taxpayers obligated to…
Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Requires school districts facing budgetary constraints to prioritize teachers for retention based on the school district’s diversity ratio
SB 483 VOTE: NO Signed into Law by Gov Brown on 06/15/21 Status (overview) of bill: https://olis.oregonlegislature.gov/liz/2021R1/Measures/Overview/SB483 This bill create a presumption of guilt for employers accused of retaliation. The law would completely change accepted procedures of fairness. Limited Government Creates rebuttable presumption that person violated prohibition against retaliation or discrimination against employee or prospective employee if person takes certain…
Allows non-English students to fulfill graduation requirements by taking language arts classes in their native languages to satisfy “English” diploma requirements
A bill has been introduced in the Oregon Legislature that would require a certain number of board seats of publicly traded companies, with principal offices in Oregon, be filled with women and people from underrepresented communities. It’s similar to bills passed in California. The first was in 2018 that required a minimum number of women on public company boards, the…