VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires prescription drug manufacturer to report to Department of Consumer and Business Services prices and increases in prices of manufacturer’s prescription drugs sold in Oregon.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Permits Oregon Health Authority to require hospitals to submit emergency department abstract records, in addition to ambulatory surgery and inpatient discharge abstract records
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes new program to be paid by the Oregon taxpayer regarding reproductive health regardless of certain federal requirements if federal funds are discontinued
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Allows chiropractic and naturopathic physicians to provide release for athlete who sustained concussion or is suspected of sustaining concussion
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires private businesses employing low income recipients working over 20 hours per week to reimburse state for a percentage of state assistance insurance, excludes public employers
VOTE: NO – Public Hearing Status (overview) of bill: This bill allows Oregon tax payers to put away money specifically for health related expenses thereby reducing their personal state and federal income tax. Deductions that exceed monetary limits for federal income tax may be carried over to succeeding tax years. Interest on money set aside by tax payers will be…
VOTE: NO, Died in Committee – Creates or adjusts sunset dates on property tax exemptions to expire sooner starting in 2020, and adds a sunset for the majority of property in Oregon, which if not renewed would cause a mass increase in property taxes without a vote of the legislature.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires Oregon Health Authority to establish and operate statewide registry for collection and dissemination of advance directives
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes scientific review of natural resources by an Oregon Independent Science Review Board, Independent Scientific Review Secretariat, scientific review panels and Independent Scientific Review Fund within Oregon State University appointed and serves at the pleasure of the Governor.
Died In Committee – Requires gathering data from tributaries at the point of diversion or appropriation to meter water needs and effectively manage water flow and report measured amounts and allow determination of rate and duty.
Died In Committee – Imposes annual management fee of $100 on each primary or supplemental water right. Provides for deposit of management fee moneys into Water Resources Department Water Right Operating Fund to fund field, technical, scientific and administrative activities.
Died In Committee – Provides General Fund money for additional ground water studies and evaluation conducted in cooperation with United States Geological Survey in priority basins determined by Water Resources Department.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee – Places government into the role of telling insurance carriers how their policies must be written regarding coverage options
VOTE: NO – Gov signed – Adds unlawful employment practices for payment of wages based on applicant history or protected class. Requires employer to demonstrate business necessity for pay differentials that are not based on merit, seniority, piece-rate or production-based work. Modifies violations and adds remedies.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires employers with 100 or more employees to provide 60 days’ notice to employees and certain officials before ceasing operations, relocating or ordering mass layoff involving 50 or more employees.
SB 924 VOTE:YES – Died in Committee Status (overview) of bill: See TTV Analysis Here This bill establishes the procedure of explaining discretionary authority and the “power to acquit” to the jury during the reading of the jury instructions, even if guilt is proven beyond reasonable doubt, by requiring the judge to fully inform the jury of their duty as…
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires at least 25 percent of carrier’s individual and group health benefit plans within each metal level of coverage to have co-payment-only cost sharing requirements
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee – Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to vest power of impeachment of statewide elected Executive Branch officials in House of Representatives and power to try impeachments in Senate.
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee – Proposes an amendment to Oregon Constitution to increase the number of Senators serving in Legislative Assembly to 36 and modifying Senate legislative districts to be coterminous with county boundaries.
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution requiring 6% of voters from each congressional district in Oregon for initiative petitions, and 8% for a petition to amend the Constitution.
VOTE:YES – Died In Committee – Increases estate tax exemption of who must file to $5.45 million, and provides an automatic adjustment to the taxable estate value using the IRS code 2010(c)(3)’s adjustment for inflation. Applies after January 1, 2018.
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Taxes property tax paid. Raises income taxes on every homeowner gross earning over $50,000/annually, and completely eliminates the ability to deduct property taxes for people who earn $125,000/annually. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018.
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Limits Mortgage Interest Deduction to $15,000 on principal residence for Oregonians with adjusted gross income less than $100,000 and eliminates deduction for incomes that exceed $100,000 and all other residence. Yearly increases in tax revenue goes to the Oregon Housing Fund to expand housing for low income, seniors, disabled, farmworkers and Native Americans.
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Modifies refund distribution method for statutory kicker provision to be distributed to taxpayers in equal amounts instead of as percentage of personal income tax liability, which may be a refunded amount if no tax is due.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee – Directs each manufacturer of prescription drugs that are sold within this state to develop and implement drug take-back program for purpose of collecting from individuals and non-business entities those types of drugs for disposal
VOTE: NO – Governor Signed – Establishes a Hospital Rate Commission providing Oregon Health Authority power to approve charges charged by individual hospitals and authority to impose civil penalties on hospitals that they deem unreasonable
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Requires Environmental Quality Commission to adopt rules that increases the greenhouse gas emissions reduction standards no later than January 1, 2018.
VOTE:YES – Died In Committee – Limits issuing bonds where the debt service does not exceed 5% of the General Fund revenues estimated to be received in the biennium provided in Article IX, section 14, of the Oregon Constitution.
Died In Committee. Establishes a Non-Motorized Boating Program that requires education on use and safety, and regulations adopted by rule; and provide safe access to waters. Safety is not the issue so the program is to increase funding.
SB 694 VOTE:YES – Died in Committee Status (overview) of bill: Posted on Track Thier Vote HERE This bill will raise property tax exemption for property of veterans with disabilities to reflect modern, higher property values. Fiscal Responsibility changes the exempt from taxation from $18,000 to $65,000 of the assessed value of the homestead or personal property for veterans with…
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee – Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution repealing property tax assessment limitations and requiring assessment on the higher real market value allowing increases every 10 years. Refers to voters.
Governor signed – Establishes special standards application fee for obtaining advice and evaluation on wells to increase likelihood of approval, and increases fees for property owner permits for wells.
Died In Committee – Establishes Task Force on the Transfer of Federal Land Ownership in Oregon to research the impact, problems and benefits. Sunsets December 31, 2018. Declares emergency.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Extends sunset from 2022 to January 1, 2024 for tax credit for biomass production or collection of all types of biomass reducing long term revenues without the benefit of reporting on its success.
Vote:YES – Signed into Law by Gov Kitzhaber
Adds dietary supplements subject to labeling and Oregon Food Laws to ensure sanitation of supplements and establishments, and ensures sanitation, enforced by the State Department of Agriculture and Oregon Health Authority.
Establishes a Task Force to identify barriers for social and private consumption of Cannabis to accommodate for marijuana user beyond what is done for tobacco users creating a privileged group, and report on recommended legislation by September 15, 2018.
Changes distribution of moneys collected as tax on retail marijuana items adding 30% to counties and increasing funds to cities for licensing, while cutting 40% for school funds leaving them to deal with student use from other school funds.
HB 2237 VOTE:NO – Died in Committee Status (overview) of bill: This bill prohibits person from purchasing a firearm if the Oregon State Police background check unit is unable or unwilling to provide approval pursuant to background check. Personal Choice and Responsibility About 1% of background checks run by the OSP result in a denial or a delay, some 2,000…