VOTE:YES – Governor Signed Allows law enforcement officers to deploy tear gas to control/disperse riot crowds as long as they follow certain procedure.
VOTE:YES – Governor Signed. Prohibits the use of force that impedes normal breathing or circulation of blood of another person by applying pressure on the throat or neck, unless peace officer may use deadly physical force.
VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law. Transfers investigation of police use of deadly force incidents to state Attorney General who is required to appoint a special investigator, and release reports of officers even if not charged.
VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law. Prohibits residential and commercial evictions during an emergency period beginning March 22, 2020, and ending 90 days after the state of emergency ends.
VOTE: NO – Governor Signed into Law, becomes effective Sept 25, 2020. Imposes up to a 6% tax on cell phones to extend broadband services to rural areas without internet access.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Requires State Board of Forestry to identify acquired lands that have limited revenue-generation potential or have high-value recreational or conservation benefits and allows transfer to another state or federal agency, local government, or tribe with county approval.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee for lack of quorum. Requires large polluters to purchase permits for their greenhouse gas emissions with availability of permits declining over time, supposedly leading to a reduction in emissions.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Refunds to some low income drivers and subsidizes off road diesel users in agriculture and logging from the devastating economic effects of SB 1530 (cap and trade).
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Prohibits aerial pesticide applicator from spraying or otherwise applying by aircraft pesticide product containing chlorpyrifos.
VOTE: NO – Passed Committee, At Desk upon adjournment. Authorizes PUC to consider differential energy burden and other inequities of affordability in rates.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Amends the constitution to approve real estate transfer taxes, exempting the first $500K, and will use the revenue to fund “affordable” housing.
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee. Exempts receipts from sales of agricultural, floricultural, horticultural, viticultural or food products from commercial activity subject to corporate activity tax.
VOTE: NO – Passed House Committee, Died in Senate Committee. Amends Oregon Constitution obligating the state to ensure every resident have access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Amends Oregon Constitution to a majority of each house of Legislative Assembly needed to be in attendance for quorum necessary for a house to conduct business. Sends it to the voters.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Requires electric companies to invest one percent of total rates collected in programs to accelerate transportation electrification.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Requires Forestry with OSU to analyze regional wildfire risk, and requires Land Conservation and Development to organize a Land Use and Wildfire Policy Advisory Committee to report on mapping needs and recommendations for using the statewide land use planning program, local governments, and building codes to minimize wildfire risk.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee. Creates a program for periodic review and modernization of State Forestry Department structure and programs to ensure effectiveness and efficiency, including programs relating to wildfire.
VOTE:NO – Passed committee, At Desk upon adjournment. Authorizes PUC to allow electric companies to force ratepayers to pay for infrastructure to service electric vehicles.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee. Prohibits abortion when the unborn child has a positive post-fertilization age of 20 weeks, except in case of a medical emergency.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Establishes standards to prohibit construction or new infrastructure for exploration and production of oil and gas on state property and also prevents the transportation of gas and oil across state property
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Prohibits the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility from contracting with Federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement, by appropriating $1.64 million this biennium to make up for the loss of revenue.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee. Directs schools to include oral health classes and establishes a school-based Community Dental Health Coordinator Pilot Program to provide exams and possible treatments.
The intent of the bill is to target particular demographics with drag-net surveillance, in an effort to find out where and how future legislation can be written to mitigate mental health issues.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Modifies general powers of PUC to require electric companies to account for external cost of greenhouse gas emissions without credible data, and more.
Vote YES – Died in Committee. This would eliminate the even-numbered year, short 35 day legislative session by the will of the people to amend the Oregon Constitution.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee. Renames the Office of Emergency Management (OEM) as Oregon Department of Emergency Management and establishes the department as a state agency independent from the Oregon Military Department (OMD)
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee. Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container when transferring the firearm and at all other times that the firearm is not carried by or under the “control” of the owner, and more.
01/30/2020 SB 1538 VOTE:NO Status (overview) of bill: This bill allows cities, counties, school districts, colleges and universities, and metropolitan service districts to ban carried firearms in or on the grounds of “Public Buildings” – *even by those with Concealed Handgun Licenses.* “Public Building” is defined in ORS 166.360: “Public building” means a hospital, a capitol building, a public or…
VOTE:NO – Died in Committee. Allows cities, counties, school districts, colleges and universities, and metropolitan service districts to ban carried firearms in or on the grounds of “Public Buildings” – even by those with Concealed Handgun Licenses.
VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed Into Law
This bill reclassifies current manners of committing aggravated murder as murder in the first degree, thus removing death penalty as an option in sentencing
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Requires Oregon Health Authority to design a program to import wholesale prescription drugs from Canada if there is a cost savings, and upon federal approval
VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Requires Secretary of State to make business filing forms available in Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Russian, and Korean
VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Reducing imprisonment, which would decrease holding people accountable for their actions, will lead to early release, recidivism and higher crime
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Permits an eligible public employee enrolled in health coverage through taxpayer funded organizations to add their spouse/family member at taxpayers expense.
Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Ensures voters know when a ballot measure has a financial impact to the state but does not identify a source of revenue
Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Requires that only elector who has personally printed copy, or requested that separate person print copy, of electronic signature sheet for petition or prospective petition may sign signature sheet.
Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Requires forms used to nominate candidates to board of school district, education service district or community college district give candidate option of providing candidate’s race and ethnicity
VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
To provide youth with a statewide system of care policy development and comprehensive, long-range plan for coordinated system of care.
VOTE: YES – Governor Brown Signed
Reduces minimum educational requirements for child welfare caseworkers from a bachelor’s degree to an associate degree plus additional coursework and training related to the field of human services
VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
Allows eligible, unemployed maintenance and janitorial employees to receive unemployment benefits during summer breaks, customary vacation periods, and holiday recesses., even though they are not unemployed during those breaks and recesses.
VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
Creates exception under Death with Dignity Act to 15-day waiting period for patient with less than 15 days to live
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
rges Congress to enact Green New Deal legislation along the lines of the proposed Green New Deal in order to respond to the climate
HB 2505 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container except when carried or otherwise ‘under control of,’ and more.
VOTE: YES – Died in Committee
Directs Oregon Health Authority to review scientific studies on the health effects of exposure to microwave radiation in schools or similar environments
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Establishes grant program to improve student outcomes by supporting social, emotional, mental and physical health needs of students.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Allows communities to form children’s service districts and to levy property taxes to fund programs that offer these services.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Establishes annual salary for Legislators based on average income of Oregonians determined by the Legislative Revenue Officer
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