VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Expands a 10-year universal service surcharges on mobile radio services and retail interconnected voice over internet protocol services to universal service surcharge.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee Status (overview) of bill: This bill establishes Oregon Climate Authority and Board to take over the greenhouse gas reporting program. Abolishes State Department of Energy and transfers duties to Authority except for loans for small scale local energy projects. Limited Government The whole reason for this bill is stated in Section 2(4) “The…
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates crime of unlawful discharge of a firearm if person knowingly discharges a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or a building that is open to the public.
VOTE: YES – DIED In Committee
Authorizes State Fire Marshal to dispatch firefighting resources in response to fire or wildfire burning on unprotected property.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Requires license fees and funds received by State Wildlife Fund be used only to directly support the programs for which money was received.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Makes State Fire Marshal responsible for unprotected lands providing equipment and air resources to fight wildfires increasing firefighting flexibility.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Establishes permissible density requirements within urban growth boundaries of cities within metropolitan service district or with population more than 10,000.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Establishes eligibility for renewable energy certificates for Covanta Marion facility that generates electricity from the direct combustion of municipal solid waste
VOTE: YES – Governor Signed into Law
Authorizes qualified institutions to receive loans from Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to repair or replace failing on-site septic systems
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires candidates for President or Vice President to disclose federal income tax returns for five years in order to appear on the general election ballot
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Expands allowance to anyone diagnosed with a terminal disease to request drugs to end their life after a 90-day waiting period
VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed
Increases and expands taxes on insurance providers, extends Oregon Reinsurance Program by extending taxes on hospitals.
HB 2465 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Directs the parole board to study the feasibility of release of certain aged inmates after 20 years of incarceration. Declares emergency
HB 2468 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Protects landowners from personal damage suits filed by users of the private property for certain recreational/outdoor activities
VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Establishes Statewide School Safety and Prevention System to assist school districts and ESDs in decreasing acts of harassment, intimidation and cyber-bullying.
HB 2744 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Clarifies provisions relating to immunization records required for children attending schools and children’s facilities.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee
Prohibits employers from conditioning employment on forbidding use of marijuana or any lawful substance outside of work hours
HB 2819 VOTE: Yes – Died n Committee
Diverts Columbia River water to irrigation activities test program in Umatilla River Basin to see if it will protect valuable ground water resources.
SB 508 VOTE: YES – Died n Committee
Deletes many of the requirements preventing the counting hydroelectric power, enabling more hydroelectric energy to go toward the renewable portfolio standard.
SB 608 VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed
Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause after 12 months of occupancy and caps the growth of rent at 7%.
SB 49 VOTE: YES – Died in Committee
Exempt from Public Contracting Code contracts for timber sales from lands owned or managed by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission or Department or sale of forest products valued at more than $15,000.
HB 2170 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Increases amount of estimated revenue for 2017-19 biennium that will negate the kicker, to be deposited in the Employer Incentive Fund in PERS.
SB 489 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Encourages school districts enter into agreements with law enforcement and providers of social media websites and applications to reduce cyberbullying attacks.
SB 148 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Gives employees the choice of participating in either the traditional defined benefit pension system or a new defined contribution plan similar to a 401(k)
HB 2537 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires counties not governed by a home-rule charter to change the governing body to a non-partisan board of five elected commissioners.
SB 531 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Seeks to limit increases in public employer costs in PERS by requiring employees to pay administrative costs of their pension/benefits, and more.
SB 306 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Makes counties exempt from the state statute banning the use of dogs to hunt cougars. Voters in a county must approve the measure by initiative petition or referral by governing body of a county.
SB 87 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates an exemption from anti-discrimination statute. Allows gun dealer to establish a minimum age for purchase of firearms, ammunition or firearms components, provided that minimum age is 21 years.
VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov. Brown
Extends duties of the Early Learning Council to ensure “Families are healthy, stable and attached” and modifies duties and membership.
SB 501 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Requires a permit in order to purchase any firearm, and more. Requires background check to purchase ammunition and limits ammunition purchase to 20 rounds per month, and more…
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range, and more…
VOTE:YES – Died in Committee
Recognizes the concealed carry licenses of all states which recognize Oregon concealed licenses, as long as that state has similar requirement on firearm safety education.
SB 5 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Transfers responsibility to pay basic union fees for government workers to the government (taxpayers) for all public employees for collective bargaining and protecting rights of employees.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Defines ‘assault rifle,’ prohibits persons under 21 from purchasing ‘assault rifles,’ increases time a purchaser must wait in case of ‘delayed’ (inconclusive) background check to 30 days, and more…
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Modifies retirement plan options of persons elected or appointed as statewide elected officials or judges.
Prohibits statewide elected official, judge of Supreme Court or Court of Appeals or legislator from becoming member of Public Employees Retirement System on or after July 1, 2018.
VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law – Authorizes PUC to regulate broadband internet access providers that contract with public bodies, and prohibits a public body from contracting with a broadband Internet access provider if it engages in paid prioritization, blocks lawful content or applications, or disadvantages lawful Internet content.
VOTE: NO – Died in Committee – This bill is directed at one area of conflict along the Willamette River, but the authorization applies to the whole state.
VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Amends state election laws for the citizen’s Initiative petition process by limiting the signature gathering period, making it more difficult for an initiative to qualify.
VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Expands the number of people who are prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition, adds reporting requirements on OR Dept of State Police (OSP), adds reporting requirements on the attorneys’ offices and other law enforcement agencies receiving the additional reporting from OSP.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Urges Congress to enact legislation to define and regulate semiautomatic assault weapons and rapid fire enhancing accessories in same manner as fully automatic weapons, and to define and regulate partially completed firearms components and kits and firearms that are assembled from them.
VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Establishes Oregon Cash Depository Corporation as independent public corporation with the intent to create a governmental entity to provide banking services to the cannabis industry, but does not limit it to cannabis.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Relating to household hazardous waste; declaring an emergency. Imposes penalty for violation of program provisions not to exceed $25,000 per day for each day of violation.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee – Designed to cap costs for Oregon energy users and establish consistent policies aligned with keeping electric rates as low as possible.
VOTE: YES – Died In committee (2018) – Authorizes Tulelake Irrigation Districts holding claims within the Klamath Project to transfer place of use to other land within the district.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund and Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee to carry out activities protecting, maintaining or enhancing fish and wildlife resources.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligation of state to ensure every resident has a constitutional right to health care. Refers to voters as the Hope Initiative.
VOTE: YES – Died In Committee – Requires Governor to work with US Forest Service to give priority to projects that increase services to produce increased timber harvest volumes, are self-sustaining and maximize financial return to Oregon. Requires Secretary of State to audit lottery expenditures made by the State Forestry Department.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes the Oregon Energy Board, appointed by the governor, as the governing body for the Department of Energy, as well as for matters involving climate change.
VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Rrequires Environmental Quality Commission to establish fee on top of fees to pay to develop and implement a program to reduce public health risks of emissions of toxic air contaminants from industrial and commercial air contamination sources.