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SB 886 Limits water used on animal feeding operations

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Limits the amount of water used at confined animal feeding operations and concentrated animal feeding operations.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2184A Tax on communication services

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Expands a 10-year universal service surcharges on mobile radio services and retail interconnected voice over internet protocol services to universal service surcharge.

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SB 928 Establishes Oregon Climate Authority

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee Status (overview) of bill: This bill establishes Oregon Climate Authority and Board to take over the greenhouse gas reporting program. Abolishes State Department of Energy and transfers duties to Authority except for loans for small scale local energy projects. Limited Government The whole reason for this bill is stated in Section 2(4) “The…

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Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 925 Allows prohibiting possession even by CHL holders in public areas

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Allows local government organizations to ban carried firearms even by those with CHL permits.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3265 Bans magazines above 10 round capacity

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Rrohibits both fixed and detachable firearm magazines with more than ten round capacity.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3223 Requires registration of ‘assault weapons’

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires registration of ‘assault weapons’ with Oregon State Police or take other actions

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 3054 Criminalizes unlawful discharge of firearm

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates crime of unlawful discharge of a firearm if person knowingly discharges a firearm within 500 feet of a dwelling or a building that is open to the public.

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SB 311 Dispatching firefighting resources

VOTE: YES – DIED In Committee
Authorizes State Fire Marshal to dispatch firefighting resources in response to fire or wildfire burning on unprotected property.

Clipart: map of fictional city

HB 2001A Multi-family housing in lands zoned for single-family dwellings

VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law
Allows multi-family housing in lands zoned for single-family dwellings within urban growth boundary.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2122 Defines “groceries” for future tax purposes

VOTE NO – Died In Committee
Defines “groceries” for future tax purposes.

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HB 2493 Prohibits aerial application of pesticides

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds.

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SB 645 State Wildlife Fund expenditure restrictions

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Requires license fees and funds received by State Wildlife Fund be used only to directly support the programs for which money was received.

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SB 292 Fire fighting equipment for unprotected lands

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Makes State Fire Marshal responsible for unprotected lands providing equipment and air resources to fight wildfires increasing firefighting flexibility.

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SB 291 Request of fire-fighting forces

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Allows governing body of county, city or district the authority to request fire-fighting forces or equipment.

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 10 Increases urban density requirements

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Establishes permissible density requirements within urban growth boundaries of cities within metropolitan service district or with population more than 10,000.

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SB 914A Distributors to track beverage containers

SB 914A VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law

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SB 451A Covanta Marion facility energy certificates

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Establishes eligibility for renewable energy certificates for Covanta Marion facility that generates electricity from the direct combustion of municipal solid waste

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SB 884 Loans for qualified institutions for failing septic systems

VOTE: YES – Governor Signed into Law
Authorizes qualified institutions to receive loans from Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund to repair or replace failing on-site septic systems

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

SB 767 Repeals “single sales factor” tax exemption

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Repeals the deal lawmakers agreed to for Nike in 2012 to pay taxes only on sales made in Oregon.

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 281 Labels digital products with warnings of health risks.

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee  
Requires manufactures to label digital products with warnings of any possible health risks.

Clipart: of an election building

SJR 22/SB 838 Lowers voting age to 16

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Amends Oregon Constitution lowering voting age from 18 to 16 years old. Referred to voters.

Clipart: of an election building

SB 594 Presidential candidates disclosing tax returns

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires candidates for President or Vice President to disclose federal income tax returns for five years in order to appear on the general election ballot

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HB 2834A Expansion of wildlife corridors

VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

SB 701 Raises estate tax exclusions

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Raises estate tax exclusion to $11.4 million for decedents dying on or after January 1, 2019.

Healthcare medical symbol

HB 2232 Expands assisted suicide

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Expands allowance to anyone diagnosed with a terminal disease to request drugs to end their life after a 90-day waiting period

Healthcare medical symbol

HB 2010 Taxes Healthcare Providers, Increases Patient Costs

VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed
Increases and expands taxes on insurance providers, extends Oregon Reinsurance Program by extending taxes on hospitals.

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SB 256 Prohibits drilling offshore

Permanently prohibits drilling for oil, gas, or sulphur in offshore territorial waters of Oregon.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 641 401(k) separate accounts from PERS

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Establish a new 401(k)-type retirement plan for new employees separating accounts from PERS.

Original Salem State Capital

SJR 9 Repeals administrative rule

SJR 6 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Restores regulatory power to elected officials. Amends Constitution.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 425 Repeals mandatory minimum sentences

SB 425 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Refers act to voters to repeal the mandatory minimum sentences for persons under the age of 18.

Clipart: of an election building

HJM 7 Increase number of United States Supreme Court Justices

HJM 7 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Will state that Oregon desires the supreme court to be increased from 9 to 11 judge positions.

Clipart: map of fictional city

HB 2796 Allows degraded wetlands be used for housing development

HB 2796 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Requires Department of State Lands to permit housing developments in low impact wetlands

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2758 Penalty for misrepresenting pets as assistance animals.

HB 2757 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Criminalizes misrepresentation of animals that are not trained as an assistance animal.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2465 Parole for certain inmates

HB 2465 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Directs the parole board to study the feasibility of release of certain aged inmates after 20 years of incarceration. Declares emergency

Clipart: map of fictional city

HB 2468 Limits landowner liability

HB 2468 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Protects landowners from personal damage suits filed by users of the private property for certain recreational/outdoor activities

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SB 340/SB 622 Allows cougar hunting with dogs

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Allows cougar hunting with dogs with sportspac license during an annual 30-day statewide season.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2327 School Safety & Prevention System

VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Establishes Statewide School Safety and Prevention System to assist school districts and ESDs in decreasing acts of harassment, intimidation and cyber-bullying.

Healthcare medical symbol

HB 2744 Children’s immunization records to attend school.

HB 2744 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Clarifies provisions relating to immunization records required for children attending schools and children’s facilities.

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 379A Prohibits marijuana testing

VOTE: NO – Died in Committee
Prohibits employers from conditioning employment on forbidding use of marijuana or any lawful substance outside of work hours

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HB 2456A Rezoning of certain farm use land

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee

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HB 2819 Diverts Columbia for irrigation

HB 2819 VOTE: Yes – Died n Committee 
Diverts Columbia River water to irrigation activities test program in Umatilla River Basin to see if it will protect valuable ground water resources.

Healthcare medical symbol

HB 2745 Provide vaccine information to patients

HB 2745 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Requires health care provider to provide vaccine information packet prior to administering vaccine

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HB 2509B Prohibits single use grocery bags

VOTE: NO – Gov Brown Signed into Law

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SB 508 Renewable hydroelectric energy

SB 508 VOTE: YES – Died n Committee
Deletes many of the requirements preventing the counting hydroelectric power, enabling more hydroelectric energy to go toward the renewable portfolio standard.

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SB 608 Rent control

SB 608 VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed
Prohibits landlord from terminating month-to-month tenancy without cause after 12 months of occupancy and caps the growth of rent at 7%.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2157 Removes commercial property tax discount

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Removes the discount for timely payment of taxes on commercial and industrial property.

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SB 49 Regarding timber & product sales

SB 49 VOTE: YES – Died in Committee
Exempt from Public Contracting Code contracts for timber sales from lands owned or managed by the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Commission or Department or sale of forest products valued at more than $15,000.

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HB 2020B “cap and trade”

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee thanks to overwhelming opposition by the citizens of Oregon.

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SB 723B Prohibits coyote hunting contests

Vote:NO – Died In Committee

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HB 2772A Tracks household hazardous waste

VOTE:NO – Died in Committee
Creates program for tracking household hazardous waste

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HB 2619A Ban on certain insecticides

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee 
Bans the sale and use of neonicotinoid insecticides

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

SJR 3 Moves kicker to education stability fund

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Transfers “kicker” refund to education stability fund and refers to voters to make it a Constitutional amendment.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 2170 Deposits kicker into PERS

HB 2170 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Increases amount of estimated revenue for 2017-19 biennium that will negate the kicker, to be deposited in the Employer Incentive Fund in PERS.

Healthcare medical symbol

SB 648 Limits abortion at 20 weeks

SB 648 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Prohibits abortion of unborn child if gestational age exceeds 20 weeks, except in case of medical emergency.

Healthcare medical symbol

SB 329 Late term sex-selective abortion

SB 329 VOTE: YES – Died In Committee
Prohibits sex-selective late term abortion.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

SB 489 Attempts to prevent cyberbullying in schools

SB 489 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Encourages school districts enter into agreements with law enforcement and providers of social media websites and applications to reduce cyberbullying attacks.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 148 Options offered for PERS participants

SB 148 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Gives employees the choice of participating in either the traditional defined benefit pension system or a new defined contribution plan similar to a 401(k)

Original Salem State Capital

HB 2537 Would change county board members to non-partisan positions

HB 2537 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Requires counties not governed by a home-rule charter to change the governing body to a non-partisan board of five elected commissioners.

Clipart: of an election building

SB 542 Audit of voting machines

SB 542 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Requires Secretary of State audits on voting machines and samples uncompiled source code for accuracy.

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HB 2061A Confined animal feeding operation fees

VOTE: NO – Gov Brown Signed into Law
Increases application and permit fees for confined animal feeding operations

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HB 2059 Increases fees on food production

VOTE: NO – Gov Brown Signed into Law
Fee increases on certain licenses concerning food production

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SB 627 Transfers watershed area from local control

SB 627 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
This transfer is a move to withdraw access to lands for recreational use.

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HB 2493 Prohibits aerial spraying

HB 2493 VOTE: NO – Died In Committee
Prohibits aerial application of pesticides in the McKenzie and Santiam watersheds.

Clipart: of an election building

HJR 14 Relating to bills with “emergency clauses” in them

HJR 14 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Amends the Oregon Constitution to replace term “declaration of emergency” with term “early implementation date”

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HB 2250A Sets minimum on environmental laws

Vote:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Allows environmental agencies law making authority if federal environment laws reduce their impact

Original Salem State Capital

SB 531 Requires employees to pay certain costs of their PERS

SB 531 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Seeks to limit increases in public employer costs in PERS by requiring employees to pay administrative costs of their pension/benefits, and more.

Original Salem State Capital

SB 306 Allows counties to use dogs to hunt cougars if approved by county voters.

SB 306 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Makes counties exempt from the state statute banning the use of dogs to hunt cougars. Voters in a county must approve the measure by initiative petition or referral by governing body of a county.

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HB 2656 control of watershed areas

HB 2656 VOTE: NO – Died n Committee
Allows total government control over watershed areas

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 87 Raises age to buy any firearm to 21

SB 87 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Creates an exemption from anti-discrimination statute. Allows gun dealer to establish a minimum age for purchase of firearms, ammunition or firearms components, provided that minimum age is 21 years.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2262A expands Early Learning Council

VOTE: NO – Signed into Law by Gov. Brown
Extends duties of the Early Learning Council to ensure “Families are healthy, stable and attached” and modifies duties and membership.

Clipart: Graduation cap and diploma

HB 2192 Requires students get mental health exams

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Requires student’s grades 6 to 12 to undergo an annual mental health exam with right to opt-out.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 275 Requires locked container or trigger locks for firearms

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Implements trigger lock and other storage requirements for privately owned firearms.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 323 Reciprocity for States recognizing OR CHLs

SB 323 VOTE:Yes – Died In Committee – Relating to concealed handgun licenses from states that recognize Oregon concealed handgun licenses.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HJR 10 Requires unanimous verdict to convict in criminal matters

HJR 10 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee – Amends Oregon Constitution to require juries to issue a unanimous verdict in criminal cases. Refers to voters.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 501 Permit to purchase firearms, background checks for ammo, more

SB 501 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Requires a permit in order to purchase any firearm, and more. Requires background check to purchase ammunition and limits ammunition purchase to 20 rounds per month, and more…

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 5 Regulation of shooting ranges, ‘dangerous conditions’

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range, and more…

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2298 Reciprocity for states who require safety education as OR does

VOTE:YES – Died in Committee
Recognizes the concealed carry licenses of all states which recognize Oregon concealed licenses, as long as that state has similar requirement on firearm safety education.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SB 5 Regulation of shooting ranges

SB 5 VOTE:NO – Died In Committee
Makes both the shooting range and the shooter strictly liable for injuries resulting from bullets that leave the boundaries of a shooting range.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 2643 assesses taxpayers for union fees

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Transfers responsibility to pay basic union fees for government workers to the government (taxpayers) for all public employees for collective bargaining and protecting rights of employees.

Original Salem State Capital

SJR 5 Two Thirds Majority Vote Needed for Emergency Clause

SJR 5 VOTE:YES – Died In Committee
Rrequires a 2/3 majority to pass bills that declare an emergency.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 2251 raises age to purchase ‘assault weapons,’ and more…

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Defines ‘assault rifle,’ prohibits persons under 21 from purchasing ‘assault rifles,’ increases time a purchaser must wait in case of ‘delayed’ (inconclusive) background check to 30 days, and more…

Clipart: map of fictional city

SB 1528B Creates Tax Credit for Contributions to Opportunity Grant Fund

VOTE: NO – Governor Brown Signed – Requires federal pass-thru tax credits for business owners be added back on Oregon returns…

Original Salem State Capital

HB 4115 Prohibits Elected Officials or Judges on PERS

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee  
Modifies retirement plan options of persons elected or appointed as statewide elected officials or judges.
Prohibits statewide elected official, judge of Supreme Court or Court of Appeals or legislator from becoming member of Public Employees Retirement System on or after July 1, 2018.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 4155A Broadband Internet Access

VOTE:NO – Governor Brown Signed into Law – Authorizes PUC to regulate broadband internet access providers that contract with public bodies, and prohibits a public body from contracting with a broadband Internet access provider if it engages in paid prioritization, blocks lawful content or applications, or disadvantages lawful Internet content.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 4023B Broadband Services

VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Relating to broadband technology; and declaring an emergency

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HB 4138 Motorboats Causing Erosion

VOTE: NO – Died in Committee – This bill is directed at one area of conflict along the Willamette River, but the authorization applies to the whole state.

Hidden Fees Ahead warning sign

HB 4146 Funding of Oregon Reinsurance Program

VOTE:YES – Died in Committee –

Clipart: of an election building

SB 1510A Restricts Initiative Petition Process

VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Amends state election laws for the citizen’s Initiative petition process by limiting the signature gathering period, making it more difficult for an initiative to qualify.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

HB 4145A Adds to List of Persons Prohibited to Possess Firearms

VOTE:NO – Signed into Law by Gov Brown
Expands the number of people who are prohibited from possessing firearms or ammunition, adds reporting requirements on OR Dept of State Police (OSP), adds reporting requirements on the attorneys’ offices and other law enforcement agencies receiving the additional reporting from OSP.

Photo: Law Enforcement, Military, & Firearms equipment

SJM 201 Urges Congress to Define and Regulate ‘Assault Weapons’

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Urges Congress to enact legislation to define and regulate semiautomatic assault weapons and rapid fire enhancing accessories in same manner as fully automatic weapons, and to define and regulate partially completed firearms components and kits and firearms that are assembled from them.

Original Salem State Capital

HB 4091 Creates State Banking Entity

VOTE:NO – Died In Committee – Establishes Oregon Cash Depository Corporation as independent public corporation with the intent to create a governmental entity to provide banking services to the cannabis industry, but does not limit it to cannabis.

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HB 4126 Household Hazardous Waste Program

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Relating to household hazardous waste; declaring an emergency. Imposes penalty for violation of program provisions not to exceed $25,000 per day for each day of violation.

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SB 1552 Ratepayer Protection Act

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee – Designed to cap costs for Oregon energy users and establish consistent policies aligned with keeping electric rates as low as possible.

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HB 4016 Klamath Transfer of Water Rights (2018)

VOTE: YES – Died In committee (2018) – Authorizes Tulelake Irrigation Districts holding claims within the Klamath Project to transfer place of use to other land within the district.

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HB 4015 Fish & Wildlife Advisory & Fund

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes Oregon Conservation and Recreation Fund and Oregon Conservation and Recreation Advisory Committee to carry out activities protecting, maintaining or enhancing fish and wildlife resources.

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HJR 203A Makes Health Care a Right

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligation of state to ensure every resident has a constitutional right to health care. Refers to voters as the Hope Initiative.

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HB 4118A Good Neighbor Authority Bill

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee – Requires Governor to work with US Forest Service to give priority to projects that increase services to produce increased timber harvest volumes, are self-sustaining and maximize financial return to Oregon. Requires Secretary of State to audit lottery expenditures made by the State Forestry Department.

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HB 4148 Establishes Oregon Energy Board

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Establishes the Oregon Energy Board, appointed by the governor, as the governing body for the Department of Energy, as well as for matters involving climate change.

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SB 1508/HB 4002/SB 1541 Surcharge Fee for Toxic Air Program

VOTE: NO – Died In Committee – Rrequires Environmental Quality Commission to establish fee on top of fees to pay to develop and implement a program to reduce public health risks of emissions of toxic air contaminants from industrial and commercial air contamination sources.

Healthcare medical symbol

HB 4101 Prohibits Late-Term Abortion

VOTE: YES – Died In Committee – Prohibits the choice of a late-term abortion based on the sex of the child.